Nine Silent Hill video games made,
None of which have I ever played.
This movie is worse than the first I'm afraid,
But alas! The 3D justifies the amount paid.
Silent Hill: Revelation is not for everyone. It is better appreciated by the fans. But if you're in for cheap thrills, why not? As for the 3D, you can trust it to be good enough if they include it in their movie title. But there are some things you may want to know about this 3D...
Suited for 3D? (what does this mean?)
There are lots of action sequences with blood splashing gore and special effects that add to the visual spectacle. Definitely the right movie for 3D.
Score: 5/5
Filmed for 3D? (what does this mean?)
I don't think there can be any debate about this if the filmmakers are confident enough to add "3D" to the movie title. But even then, the amount of thought and effort that went into assimilating the 3D into various scenes and action sequences faltered. The clarity of 3D was a little off, and this could cause discomfort for some.
Score: 4/5
Closed Window Experience (what does this mean?)
The depth in this movie was evident for the most part. You will be able to feel the world behind the movie screen and sometimes even feel like you are in the movie. However, there was absolutely no depth during flashback scenes. But these were just a minor part of the movie.
Score: 4/5
Open Window Experience (what does this mean?)
This is what I love about slasher flicks in 3D! The filmmakers make up for the weak storyline with fun 3D elements that make the audience jump in their seats. Silent Hill: Revelation had no shortage of such scenes. However, they were not executed to perfection. The scenes with objects protruding at the audience ended too fast. Not enough time was given for our eyes to register the 3D effect! What a tease!
Score: 3/5
The Naked-Eye Test (what does this mean?)
The 3D glasses were essential for the most part. However, during some fast-paced action sequences and flashback scenes, you can give your 3D glasses a rest. They will be working hard during the rest of the movie.
Score: 4/5
Final Score: 20/25
0 - 14
Wise man once said… DON’T DO IT!
If you have extra cash to blow… sure
You have my Blessings!
Final Verdict
Fan of the game or not, if you decide to watch this movie, please watch it in 3D. This movie was made for its 3D effects. Trust me.. It eases the pain.
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