Thursday, 21 June 2012

Madagascar 3: Europe's most wanted.. 3D movie?

the 3d guru
The third installment of Madagascar sees Alex the lion and gang come to the big screen in 3D for the first time. A well-loved series with promise of enhanced visual experience. One can just imagine the fun you’ll have watching the shenanigans of these “wild” creatures in 3D. Add a circus theme into the mix and *poof* … No, not Ko Ko Krunch, but something just as special onscreen! Well, that’s just the expectation of fans and moviegoers alike. But does the 3D deliver?

Suited for 3D? (what does this mean?)
We have wacky animals and a circus. A nice cocktail for 3D. Based on previous movies, we know that these beloved characters don't shy away from crazy ideas to get back home. And don't forget the obstacles that never fail to stand in their way!

Score: 5/5

Filmed for 3D? (what does this mean?)
This movie was definitely planned for 3D. It was clear that the filmmakers were carefully orchestrating the production process to include the 3D elements. The action sequences were suited for 3D and well executed. 

Score: 4/5

Closed Window Experience (what does this mean?)
How much depth was there? I would say just enough to make the animated world come to life. The closed window experience was great because it made you feel like you are looking into an animated world. This is a difficulty that most animated films face because animation can look "3D" in 2D films. What I mean here is that characters and objects in 2D animation films can look life-like or "3D".  Confused? Think Toy Story and you will get the idea. When animation is made for 3D, it must not just show us "3D" objects in the movie, but provide the audience with an inclusive 3D world.  A good example of a movie that did this extremely well is Up. Fret not, Madagascar 3 fared well too.

Score: 4/5

Open Window Experience (what does this mean?)
Movies often fall short in this area. This is not one of those times, and this is not one of those movies. There were numerous times where objects look like they burst through the screen. Remember, there is a circus theme to this movie. Be prepared for a visual feast. On that note, I felt that more could have been done to make the audience jump in their seats.

Score: 4/5

Naked Eye Test (what does this mean?)
With the 3D glasses off, most of the images looked blurred. This is a good sign. This gave the 3D glasses some purpose. However, there were a few scenes that were not as blur as I would have liked them to be. Due to the well-placed 3D, these parts would have gone unnoticed as the movie progresses.

Score 4/5

Total Score: 21/25
0 - 14
Wise man once said… DON’T DO IT!
If you have extra cash to blow… sure
You have my Blessings!

Final Verdict
You have my full blessing to Move it Move it in 3D! This movie was very well made for 3D and offered audiences every extra cent’s worth. If you liked the first two Madagascar movies, you will surely love this one in 3D.

Enough from me! Would YOU recommend watching this movie in 3D?
YES (Watch it in 3D!)
NO (Better off watching in 2D)
Create your own poll

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