Thursday, 30 August 2012

Step Up Revolution in revolutionary 3D?

'Step Up Revolution' is the fourth addition to the Step Up franchise. Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1? I think I am B2. How the hell are they coming up with more of these movies?? Yet another poppin' and lockin', break dancing movie, with a reused and re-abused plot. But wait, there's more! It's in 3D! This is the second Step Up movie featured in 3D after 'Step Up 3D'. Surprisingly, the 3D element of this movie was underplayed in its advertisements. Was there any reason for that? You might want to read on..

Suited for 3D? (what does this mean?) 
This is a dance movie. A dance movie! It's just a bunch of people moving to the music. What in the world would you want to see in 3D? Personally, I don't think that 3D would do anything to enhance the visual experience of watching a dance flick. However, I was proven wrong with Step Up 3D, and once again proven wrong with Step Up Revolution. Although the genre of the film just isn't relevant for 3D, the filmmaker made sure that the 3D added to the visual spectacle.

Score: 3/5

Filmed for 3D? (what does this mean?) 
Yes Sir! This movie was planned for 3D from head to toe. So much effort was put into making the movie in 3D and even more astonishing, making it relevant for 3D! You could see that almost every scene was carefully constructed to be in 3D. Even the dance movements were captured from angles that made it look better in 3D (don't ask me how). So this made me wonder why the 3D aspect of this movie was not more prominently marketed. Maybe it was a silent marketing technique due to the lack of 3D fit of the genre? Are they that smart? Who cares?

Score: 5/5

Closed Window Experience (what does this mean?) 
Beautiful beaches, beautiful buildings, beautiful babes.. Miami in 3D! The amount of depth in this movie was brilliant. Ok enough of 'B' words. Not once in this movie was the depth of 3D compromised. You could really feel the spatial order of the physical locations in different scenes, whether it took place in an enclosed area or overlooking the stunning coastlines of Miami.

Score: 5/5

Open Window Experience (what does this mean?) 
I was pleasantly surprised by the number of scenes that provided audiences with the open window experience. Some gimmicks were used during various dance routines that allowed for objects to edge out of the screen toward you. It won't really make you flinch or reach out and grab things that seem to come out of the screen, but still definitely better than most other 3D movies of late.

Score: 4/5

The Naked Eye Test (what does this mean?) 
Trust me. You need those 3D glasses! Don't turn down the poor guy handing them out. This movie was blur every single time I took off my 3D glasses. And when I put them back on, the difference was tremendous. Not only was the picture clearer, but the depth and 3D effect that followed makes 3D glasses everywhere proud!

Score: 5/5

Total Score: 22/25
0 - 14
Wise man once said… DON’T DO IT!
If you have extra cash to blow… sure
You have my Blessings!

Final Verdict
This movie really surprised me. I applaud its dedication to 3D. If you are a fan of the Step Up franchise, go watch this movie in 3D. If you are planning to watch this movie, don't be afraid to spend the few extra dollars to watch it in 3D. But what you might want to be wary of are the cheesy lines and wafer thin plot.

Enough from me! Would YOU recommend watching this movie in 3D?

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