Thursday, 6 December 2012

Check-in to Hotel Transylvania in 3D!

Welcome to Hotel Transylvania! *Blah-blah-blah!* In 3D! *Blah-blah-blah!* No, it's not a blah movie.. Try reading that again in Count Dracula's voice. Much better! Hotel Transylvania is an animated family comedy centered on over-protective daddy Dracula who builds a hotel to shelter his daughter and monsters alike from us awfully scary human beings. Talk about getting a taste of your own medicine. Do we check out from Hotel Transylvania pleased with our 3D stay, or do we want our money back?

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D

Nine Silent Hill video games made,
None of which have I ever played.
This movie is worse than the first I'm afraid,
But alas! The 3D justifies the amount paid.

Silent Hill: Revelation is not for everyone. It is better appreciated by the fans. But if you're in for cheap thrills, why not? As for the 3D, you can trust it to be good enough if they include it in their movie title. But there are some things you may want to know about this 3D...

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Life of Pi in 3D

Academy award winning director Ang Lee breathes cinematic life into Yann Martel's fantasy adventure novel, Life of Pi, as he provides audiences worldwide, quite aptly put on the movie poster, a journey of a lifetime. Life of Pi is afforded an extra dimension that brings this story to the big screen in surreal 3D as it has the audience follow Pi on an incredible journey of self-discovery in close proximity. But does the 3D bring us on an unforgettable journey, or does it leave us stranded?

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Rise of the Guardians.. of 3D?

Rise of the Guardians is not your run-of-the-mill christmas movie. In fact, it isn't really even a christmas movie. Featuring your famous range of legends from Christian folklore such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, Rise of the Guardians breathes new Attitude into these household names. You're in for an action-packed holiday treat with christmas around the corner. But does the 3D immerse you in a magical world, or are your robbed of all belief in 3D?

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Frankenweenie in terrifying 3D!

This November, Tim Burton's 1984 short film has been dug up and brought back to life. This time, as a full-length feature film on the big screen. Yet another stop-motion film in 3D, Frankenweenie is filmed purely in black and white. This is no surprise coming for Mr Burton himself. However, stop-motion films can be tricky to pull off in 3D, and draining colour from the film does not make the task any easier. So, does 3D breathe life into Frankenweenie, or does Frankenweenie create a monstrous 3D experience?

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Should you take the BAIT in 3D?

A first-time Australia/Singapore co-production, BAIT 3D is everything its trailer suggests -  a low-budget shark thriller that swims in the same pond as all the other forgettable shark movies. But hey! Singapore actor Adrian Pang is part of the main cast! And he gets a substantial amount of screen time too! Even if you're not a fan, it's always nice to see local talent on an international scale. Enough digression, let me give you what you came for.

Here's how I found Nemo in 3D!

In this day and age of profiteering, it is no surprise that the movie industry has jumped on the band wagon with its own brand of extortion. My apologies for the sharp-tongued remark. But, such is the impression that the highly successful Finding Nemo presents in its recent 3D release. Production costs are much lower, and prior success of the original movie carries the 3D version on its back. Much like the sea turtles on the EAC! Sweet.. Totally.. Even so, who says 3D conversions can't be good?